mardi 3 septembre 2013

What Is Caimito

What Is Caimito Chlorophyll canto is a tropical tree of the family Saponaceous . It is native to the Greater Antilles and the Caribbean. It spread in the lowlands of Central America and is now grown in tropical regions, including Southeast Asia What Is Caimito. It grows rapidly and reaches 20 m in height.

It has many common names, including canto , star apple , star apple , golden leaf , milk Ababa apple , star fruit milk and Mandela. It is What Is Caimito also known by the synonym Dachas canto . In Vietnam, Vu called SÃO (literally : breast milk ) .
The leaves are evergreen, alternate , simple oval , entire, 5-15 cm long, the face shines with a golden color when seen from afar. Small purple flowers are white and have a sweet fragrant smell . The tree is also hermaphroditic (self -What Is Caimito fertile ) .
It has round fruit , purple skin that is often green around the calyx , with a star in the pulp. Sometimes there is a variety of white or yellow -green fruit. The skin is rich in latex , and both the cortex and inedible. The flattened seeds are light brown and hard What Is Caimito; Is a tree that produces fruit in season .

The fruits are delicious as a dessert fruit , is sweet and best served cold. Infusions leaves have been used against diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. The fruit has anti -oxidants. , The bark is considered a tonic and stimulant, and a decoction of the bark is used as an antimissile . The fruit is also available in three colors What Is Caimito, yellow, dark purple , brown and green. Purple fruit has a denser skin and texture while the greenish brown fruit has a thin skin and a more liquid pulp , the yellow variety is rare and hard to find What Is Caimito.
Several closely related species also called star apple are grown in Africa , including C. Valium and C. African .
What Is Caimito In Vietnam, the most famous variety is LO milk fruit Rena Vin Kim commune, Cha Than District , Ten Gang Province .
In Sierra Leone , the fruit is called " ATA Bobbi milk ' or fruit.

Saponaceous is a family of flowering What Is Caimito plants , belonging to order Eric ales . The family includes about 800 species of evergreen trees and shrubs in approximately 65 genera ( 35-75 , according to the generic definition ) . Distribution is nontropical .
Many species produce edible fruits and / or What Is Caimito have other economic uses . Known for its edible fruits include Manila ( Sapodilla , Spot ) Chlorophyll canto (Star - apple or Golden Leaf Tree ) Pouter ( Labium , Canister , Lucia , Manley capote ) , Stellar paradox ( Shea ) and southern Sidereal ( native plum of Australia ) What Is Caimito. Shea ( Shi in several languages WWF the West African Shea and French, also anglicized as Shea butter ) is also the source of a walnut , oil-rich food source " Shea butter " , which is the main source of fat for many ethnic groups in Africa and is also used in cosmetics and traditional medicine and western . The " miracle fruit " What Is Caimito, Unseal dulcified also Saponaceous .

Palanquin trees of the genus ( Gupta perch ) produce important latex with a wide variety of uses.
What Is Caimito Seeds ( L. ) Keels Argentina Espinosa tree produce edible oil, traditionally harvested in Morocco.
The name is derived from the sapodilla, Mexican vernacular name for a plant (itself derived from the Nashua " teapot " ) and Atomized by Linnets as spot What Is Caimito, a name now treated as a synonym of Manila (formerly under the name Dachas not valid).

What Is Caimito A seed plant embryo is a small enclosed in a covering called the seed coat , usually with a bit of stored food . Is the product of the ripened ovule gymnosperms and angiosperms plants which occurs after fertilization and growth within What Is Caimito the mother plant. The formation of the seed completes the process of reproduction in seed plants ( started with the development of flowers and pollination ) , with the embryo developed from the zygote and the seed coat from the integument of the ovule . All seeds are different in size, shape and color What Is Caimito.

Seeds have been an important development in the reproduction and spread of flowering plants , relative to more primitive plants like mosses , ferns and liverworts , which do not have seeds and use other means to spread What Is Caimito. This can be seen by the success of seed plants ( gymnosperms and angiosperms ) in dominating biological niches on land, from forests to grasslands both in hot and cold climates .
The term "seed " also has a general meaning that predates the above , anything that can be sown , Beg seed potatoes " " What Is Caimito, "seeds" of corn or sunflower "seeds" . In the case of sunflower and corn "seeds" , what is sown is the seed enclosed in a shell or shell, while the potato is a tuber.