jeudi 5 septembre 2013

What Is Cattley Guava

What Is Cattley Guava P. cattleman , named in honor of the noted English horticulturist Sir William Cattle , commonly called Peruvian Cattle guava or guava is a small tree (2-6 m high) , bearing small red or yellow fruits that are a little bitter, but sometimes eaten or made into jam. The red variety is fruity known as strawberry guava What Is Cattley Guava fruit variety is known as lemon yellow guava and Hawaii as alia . From Brazil and adjacent tropical South America , which is closely related to the common guava (P. ganja ) , since this species is a common , highly invasive in tropical areas , especially Hawaii. It tends to form dense mono cultures that prevent regeneration of native species , and it is very difficult to eradicate , but also provides shelter for fruit flies that cause significant agricultural damage . As an invasive species , is sometimes referred to Chinese guava wrong What Is Cattley Guava.
The fruit can be eaten at once thin and soft , juicy inside are edible. Strawberry Guava flavor mixed with a passion strawberry What Is Cattley Guava, Guavas are more acidic lemon and spicy flavor [ citation needed ] The skin is also edible and tastes a bit like rose petals, but are often removed for a sweeter taste . The seeds are small and white and can be roasted as a coffee substitute . Its leaves can be prepared for tea What Is Cattley Guava.

Cattle / Ali ː ə / is a genus of 113 species of orchids native to Costa Rica to tropical South America . The genus was named in 1824 by What Is Cattley Guava John Lindale after Sir William Cattle [2 ] who received and was the first to bloom Cattle labia shows . William Swanson had discovered a new plant in Perambulate , Brazil What Is Cattley Guava, in 1817 and given to the Glasgow Botanic Gardens for identification. Swanson requested that some plants will later be sent to Cattle , who has blossomed into a full year before the plants in Glasgow . It will take 70 years before they are found in nature , due to misunderstanding of the supposed location of the plants. The genus is abbreviated C in trade What Is Cattley Guava journals.

They are widely known for their large, showy flowers , and were used extensively in hybridization for the cut flower trade until the U.S.S.R. What Is Cattley Guava, when potted plants have become more popular. This genus and the numerous hybrids come close, through their beauty , to the idealized image [who? ] Have orchids [ citation needed ] . The flowers of the hybrid can vary in size from 5 cm to 15 cm or more. They are found in all colors except true blue and black What Is Cattley Guava for its fragrance shampoo . He also became a popular species bonsai and is currently very popular.
The typical flower has three rather narrow sepals and three usually broader petals : two petals are similar, and the third is visible lip quite different , with different marks and stains often frilly margin . At the What Is Cattley Guava base , the margins are bent into a tube. Each flower stem is a pseudo - bulb. The number of flowers varies , may be only one or two, or sometimes up to ten .

What Is Cattley Guava Widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions around the world , guava may vary in size, from the smallest the size of a grapefruit apricot What Is Cattley Guava. Different cultivates have white meat, pink or red, and a little bit red line (instead of green ) skin .
When grown from seed , guavas are characterized by a very slow rate of growth for several months , before a rapid acceleration What Is Cattley Guava in the growth rate takes over. Seed common guavas can bloom and bear fruit in just two years or up to 8 . Cuttings and grafts are most commonly used as a method of propagation in commercial orchards . Very customizable, easily guavas can be grown as potted plants in temperate regions What Is Cattley Guava, but their ability to flower and fruit is a little less predictable. In some tropical areas , guavas can become invasive . It has become a major problem in the Galapagos Islands What Is Cattley Guava.
The plant is used in many different products for its fragrance shampoo . He also became a popular species bonsai and is currently very popular What Is Cattley Guava in India and East Asia.