lundi 26 août 2013

What Is Bilimbi

In the Philippines, the leaves are used to paste in itching, swelling, rheumatism, mumps or rash. On the other hand, are used for biting venomous creatures. The infusion of the leaves is used as a tonic after birth, while the flower infusion is used for thrush, cold and cough. What Is Bilimbi Malaysians use fermented or fresh leaves to treat venereal diseases. In French Guiana, syrup made from the fruit is used to treat inflammatory diseases. To date, no scientific evidence to confirm the effectiveness of this type of use.
In some villages in the district of Thiruvananthapuram in India, the cucumber tree fruit has been used in traditional medicine for controlling obesity. This led to further studies of antihyperlipidemic properties.
The fruit contains high levels of oxalate. Renal failure due to acute tubular necrosis caused by oxalate was recorded at various What Is Bilimbi concentrated juice drinkers on consecutive days for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. They were encouraged to consume this drink in the local media played by studies in experimental animals.

In the Philippines, where it is commonly found in the course, the fruits are consumed raw rock salt or dipped. It can be any curry or added as an acidifying agent for sinigang common Filipino dish. The raw What Is bilimbi is prepared as the flavor and served with rice and beans in Costa Rica. In the Far East, where the tree is native, is sometimes added to curry. What Is Bilimbi juice (pH about 4.47) is formed in a cooling beverage. In Indonesia, is added to the dishes in place of tamarind or tomato What Is Bilimbi.
Furthermore, the fruit may be preserved by pickling, thereby reducing the acidity. The flowers are often preserved in sugar.
Elsewhere in Indonesia, Aceh, which is preserved by sun drying, sun dried asam What Is bilimbi called Sunti. What Is Bilimbi and asam Sunti are popular culinary Aceh. You can substitute mango chutney making. In Malaysia, it is also a pretty sweet jam.
In Kerala, India, is used to make pickles, all Karnataka, Maharashtra and Goa, the fruit is usually eaten raw with salt and spices.
Seychelles, is often used as What Is Bilimbi an ingredient to give a sour taste in many Seychellois Creole dishes, including fresh fish. Often used in grilled fish and also (almost always) in a meat dish called Satini Reken shark.

Probably native of the Moluccas What Is Bilimbi, Indonesia, the species is cultivated and found throughout the Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar (Burma) and Malaysia. It is also common in other Southeast Asian countries. In India, where it is usually found in the gardens, What Is bilimbi mad in the hottest regions of the country.
Outside Asia, the tree is cultivated in Zanzibar. In 1793, What Is bilimbi was presented to Jamaica from Timor and after several years, is grown throughout Central and South America, where it is known as a Member Nation. Introduced in Queensland in the late 19th century, has been grown commercially in the region since then.
It is essentially a tropical tree, less resistant to cold than the carambola, growing best in rich, well-drained soil (but also as limestone What Is Bilimbi and sand). It prefers evenly distributed rainfall throughout the year, but with 2 - to 3-month dry season. Therefore, the species is not present, for example, in the wet part of Malaysia. Florida, where a casual curiosity, the tree needs protection from wind and cold What Is Bilimbi.