dimanche 18 août 2013

What Is Acerola

What Is Acerola  M. marinate is originally from Yucatan, and can be found in Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, South America to southern Peru and southern Brazil and southern contiguous United States (southern Florida and the Lower Rio Great Texas). It is grown in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, including the Canary Islands, Ghana, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Zanzibar, Sri Lanka What Is Acerola , Taiwan, India, Java, Hawaii and Australia.
After three years trees produce a large number of bright red drupe 1-3 cm (0.39 to 1.2 inches) in diameter, with a mass of 3-5 g (0.11 to 0.18 oz.) . Drupes are in pairs or groups of three, and each contains three What Is Acerola  triangular seeds. The drupes are juicy and rich in vitamin C and other nutrients. They are divided into three lobes usually dark and slightly acidic acid, giving a bitter [10], but can be as sweet taste up. [13] Although the nutrient composition depends on the species and environmental conditions, the most What Is Acerola  common Osceola and the concentration range of components are as follows: protein (2.1-3G), lipids (2 0,3 -3G), carbohydrates (35.7-73G), calcium (117 mg), phosphorus (171 mg), iron (2.4 mg), pyridoxine (87 mg), riboflavin (0.7 mg) What Is Acerola , thiamine (0.2 mg), water (906-e.g.) and dietary fiber.

The fruit is edible and consumed in the region of origin of the species, and is cultivated elsewhere for its high content of vitamin C. There 1677.6 mg of vitamin C per 100 g of fruit. The fruit can be used to make juices and pulps, concentrated vitamin C What Is Acerola , and baby food, among other things.

What Is Acerola  We performed a comparative analysis of antioxidant from a variety of frozen juice pulps, including Osceola. Among the fruits of pulp tested What Is Acerola  eleven internal Osceola fruit is most prolific, which means it has had the highest antioxidant with a score TEC (Rolex equivalent antioxidant activity) of 53.2 mg.
Absolute Vodka Absolute Los Angeles released a limited edition spirit flavored with Osceola, acacia, pomegranate and cranberry, in July 2008 What Is Acerola .