vendredi 30 août 2013

what Is Brazilian Guava

what Is Brazilian Guava This report has been much confusion guava , starting with the scientific name Sodium guineas SW . , Based on the belief that the Botanical Swartz is the Guinea coast of Africa. Long been considered distinct from guitar what Is Brazilian Guava, P. Soft Bert ( sync. P. succedaneum Berg . ) But now these names and P. AAA Randi , are treated as synonyms of P. guineas , and all corresponding common names should apply to such a confirmed case .
In Brazil , popular names are AAA , AAA do Campo , or archly in Guyana called Wilde wild guava guava . Other local names are: Gabriella , hay , brave and dacha Guava Guava ( Peru ) ; Allah guava ( Ecuador ) ; Sabina guava , guava and guava Sarbanes Aria ( Venezuela ) acid or guava guava , guava stinking , shamans , and Plata Cham what Is Brazilian Guava principal ( Guatemala ) CASS guitar Abroad ( Costa Rica ), guava , guava and guava Resume Sabina ( Panama ) ; waybill ( El Salvador ) . The name, Sour Guava , seems to be the only employee in Mexico . In California , it is called either Spanish or Brazilian guava .


what Is Brazilian Guava Brazil guava is a shrub with relatively slow growth from March to October feet ( 3.1 meters) tall , sometimes a tree 23 feet ( 7 m ) with grayish bark , hairy young shoots and branches cylindrical or slightly flattened . The evergreen , gray, a third 5 1/ 2 inches ( 3.5 to 14 cm ) long and 1 to 3 1/8 ( 2.5-8 cm wide) are rigid, elongated , elliptical, obviate oval or sometimes finely toothed slightly hairy on the upper surface , but under light hair coated or oxidized and distinctly glands what Is Brazilian Guava points . Flowers solitary or in groups of three in the ails of the leaves are white and 150-200 stamens protruding . Fruit , round or pear shaped , is 1 /8 to 1 ( 1-2.5 cm ) in width , yellow skin , thick, pale yellowish flesh surrounding the central white pulp acidic resinous slightly as strawberry flavor . It contains many small hard seeds and is strong enough even at full maturity what Is Brazilian Guava.


The higher ratio of guava, P. guineas occurs naturally in northern Argentina and Peru , south of Mexico , and Trinidad , Martinique what Is Brazilian Guava , Jamaica and Cuba , at medium altitudes . It is grown to a lesser extent , in Martinique , Guadeloupe , the Dominican Republic and southern California. Florida tests were not encouraging . In Agatha in Triturate , North India, this plant has become completely naturalized what Is Brazilian Guava and goes crazy .


Although not named cultivates have been reported , this species has been crossed with the common guava hybrids are dwarf and have what Is Brazilian Guava bumper crops resistant .


The plant does not grow well in light what Is Brazilian Guava, sandy soil.

uses food

This guava is suitable for cooking and storage. It makes a distinctive jelly some consider superior to common guava jelly .

other Uses

The wood is solid and is used for tools, beams, planks and agricultural tools sleeves. The bark is rich in tannins, used for skin stretching what Is Brazilian Guava.

Medicinal Uses: In Brazil , a decoction of the bark or root is used to treat urinary diseases , diarrhea and dysentery. In Costa Rica what Is Brazilian Guava, is said to reduce varicose veins and leg ulcers . Take a leaf decoction to relieve colds and bronchitis.

related species

Para guava was known as acid Brit Berg . Canaanite now shows this pair as a synonym of Sodium coagulum DC . and gives the common name Brazilian AAA - pear. Cruz ( 1965 ) calls Maraca piranha , abracadabra what Is Brazilian Guava, abracadabra and goober . The Common Maraca Coined do Para shows and describes P. AAA Randi as a separate species . In Bolivia , P. Gambia coagulum called , Peru , as AMI what Is Brazilian Guava ACLU , Pica ACLU , water guava .

what Is Brazilian GuavaThe shrub or tree varies in height from 26-40 feet ( 8.12 m ) . Its branches are quadrangular and wings near the base of the leaves . The new growth is finely hairy . Sheets , very short petioles , are elliptical , 4-5 1/2 inches ( 10-14 cm ) long, 1 1/2 to 2 3/ 8 inches ( 6.4 cm ) wide what Is Brazilian Guava, rounded at the base , said in top. The long-stemmed white flowers petals 5, with more than 300 stamens are borne singly or in 2 or 3 people in the ails of the leaves. The fruit is pear-shaped round or ellipsoid , 1 room - 3 3/ 16 inch (3-8 cm ) wide , pale yellow , with yellowish-white , highly acidic , but also flavored paste containing a little difficult, Source triangular . The crop matures in the spring what Is Brazilian Guava.

The tree produces wild and cultivated in low and medium altitudes throughout the Amazon of Peru and Colombia , Bolivia , Venezuela what Is Brazilian Guava and the Guiana . Some samples were grown in southern Florida in the past under the name of P. AAA . The fruit is eaten mixed with honey or jam or acidic drinks .

The recent interest as a potential new crop is Eugenia stipulate McVeigh , Canaanite treated as a variable species , but separated by what Is Brazilian Guava McVeigh (Flora of Peru , viol . XIII , Pt . 4 , No. 2 , 1958 ) into two subspecies , as follows:

E. stipulate subs. stipulate McVeigh Peru called Pinch Maraca -boil in Brazil , is a tree 40 to 50 feet ( 15.12 m ) tall , with opposite leaves petiole short, wide - elliptical , pointed at the top , 3-7 in ( 7.5 to 18 cm ) long and 1 1/3 3 1/4 inches ( 03.04 to 08.25 cm) wide, with the veins back to the top and bottom hairy slightly dotted glands glands on both sides. Flowers in maxillary racemes , compound, are white , hairy , 3/4 inch ( 2 cm ) wide , with numerous stamens protruding .

what Is Brazilian Guava According to horticulturists and Canaanite the guava fruit is a small , very aromatic , round flattened , less than 2 oz ( 56 g ) in nature , 4 3/4 inches (12 cm ) wide in the culture and weighing up to 14 1/2 oz ( 420 g ) or 28 oz ( 800 g). The skin is thin and fine , soft pulp juicy , very acid containing 8-10 irregular or oblong , kidney-shaped seeds 1 inch ( 2.5 cm) long and 5 /8 inch (1.5 cm) wide what Is Brazilian Guava. It is reported that the ascorbic acid content 38 to 40 mg per 100 g of edible portion . The fruiting season is February to May to Elem , Brazil . There may be four crops a year in Peru and Ecuador . The tree is native and abundant in nature in the Amazon region of Peru , Ecuador and Brazil . The fruit is eaten by the Indians and the tree is grown experimentally in Peru and Ecuador , and a collection of 360 plants was established in Mandamus . The seeds germinate in 4-12 what Is Brazilian Guava months .

The seedlings grow slowly at first what Is Brazilian Guava, were transplanted in about 6 months. Fruit begin 18 months later. The yields of 12.7 tons per hectare ( 28 t / ha ) were obtained in Peru. The tree is subject to Sugioka and the fruit is prone to attack by fruit flies . The fruit loses flavor when cooked, is quick to cook the jam what Is Brazilian Guava. Peruvian exports producer of frozen dough for Europe.

what Is Brazilian Guava Caspian Rupiah sartorial Subspecies called Peru , is a shrub or small tree to 10 feet (3 m ) high, with elliptical leaves 3 1 / 2-5 ( 9-12.5 cm ) long, March 1-1 /4 inch (2.5 -4.5 cm ) wide , with barely visible veins , finely hairy or glabrous below to maturity , and have dark spots . The flowers are 1/2 inch ( 1.25 cm ) wide what Is Brazilian Guava with 75 stamens. The fruit is flattened , 5/8 inch ( 1.6 cm ) wide , smooth, acid , with many seeds, bean-shaped , 1/8 to just over 1/4 inch ( 3.7 mm ) long . Shows also McVeigh Peru , Ecuador , Bolivia and Colombia what Is Brazilian Guava.