mardi 20 août 2013

What Is American Persimmon

What Is American Persimmon It is usually a small tree 30 to 80 feet (24.10 meters) high, with a short trunk and spreading thin, often hanging branches, forming a broad or narrow glass with a rounded top. The roots are thick, fleshy and reptiles. This species has a bushy growth form. The whole plant has oval leaves and unisexual flowers on short stalks. In the male flowers, which are many, the stamens are sixteen in What Is American Persimmon number and arranged in pairs, the female flowers are solitary, with stamens and ovary remains a soft egg in each of the eight cells of the ovary is topped with four styles , which are based on fuzzy. The fruit-stalk is very short, with a fruit unloose one inch in diameter or a yellow-orange color blue slightly larger, and with a sweet astringent pulp. It is surrounded at the base by the persistent calyx lobes, which increase in size as the fruit ripens. The astringency of the fruit makes it a little uncomfortable, but after being subjected to the action of frost, or be partially rotted or "betted" as a medullar, improves its flavor What Is American Persimmon.

Bark: dark gray or dark brown, deeply divided into plates whose surface is flaky. Branches slender, zigzag, with heavy bone and large bone cavity, the first fire reddish brown and pubescent. Its color varies from light brown to gray ash and eventually become reddish-brown bark, a little broken by What Is American Persimmon longitudinal cracks. Astringent and bitter.
Wood: very dark, sapwood yellowish white, coarse-grained, hard, strong and close. Density 0.7908; weight cubic feet, 49.28 lbs (22.35 kg What Is American Persimmon).

Winter buds: ovate, acute, an eighth of an inch long, scaly reddish or purple thick. These scales sometimes are persistent at the base of the branches.
Leaves alternate, simple four to six inches What Is American Persimmon (152 mm) long, oval, conical or rounded or chordate at base, entire, acute or acuminate. Revolution hatch, thin, pale, reddish green, smooth, with ciliate margins when full grown are dark green, thick, shining above, paler and often pubescent below. In autumn, they sometimes turn orange or red, sometimes fall color change. Midrib broad and flat What Is American Persimmon, off the main veins and visible. Petioles stout, hairy, half an inch in length.
Flowers: May, June, when the leaves are half grown, rarely duodecimos or polygamous. Stamens of flowers tops office in two, three flowers What Is American Persimmon, bracts and stems pubescent carrying two minutes. Pistillate flowers solitary, usually on separate trees, their stems short, bent, and have two bract lets.

Chalice: Usually four lobes crescent as fruit.
Corolla greenish-white, tubular, yellow or cream four lobes lobes imbricate in bud.
Stamens six What Is American Persimmon inserted into corolla staminate flowers in two rows. Short filaments, thin, slightly hairy oblong anthers, intros two cells, the cells were opened longitudinally What Is American Persimmon. In the female flowers the stamens are eight stamens aborted anthers these are rarely perfect.

Pistil: ovary superior, conical, ultimately, eight cells, four strokes, thin, spreading, stigma lobes.
Fruit: A juicy berry containing seven fifty-nine seeds, What Is American Persimmon crowned by the remains of the style and sitting in the enlarged calyx, depressed-globs, pale orange, often with red cheeks, with a slight bloom, turning yellowish brown after freezing. meat astringent while green, sweet and tasty when ripe What Is American Persimmon.

What Is American Persimmon The tree is very common in the southern Gulf and the Atlantic, and reached its greatest size in the Mississippi River basin. Its habitat is south, which is along the coast from New York to Florida What Is American Persimmon, west of the Alleghenies is located in southern and southeastern Ohio through Iowa and southern Missouri, when it comes to Louisiana, eastern Kansas and Oklahoma, it becomes What Is American Persimmon a big tree, one hundred and fifty feet high.

Its fossils What Is American Persimmon have been found in Miocene rocks of Greenland and Alaska and Cretaceous formations in Nebraska.

What Is American Persimmon D. Virginian is considered a relic of the evolution of the mega fauna that inhabited the North American continent until about What Is American Persimmon 10,000 years ago and have eaten the fruit, contributing to its spread. However, since it is attractive to raccoons, rabbits and small animals What Is American Persimmon, the loss of large herbivores and omnivores in historical times has not seriously affected the survival strategy of the shaft relative to the obstacle and Osage oranges are not edible for wildlife most current and saw his rank reduced considerably without mastodons.