mercredi 28 août 2013

What Is Black Sapote

What Is Black Sapote "Bernice" (also "Bernice") is a prolific producer of nearly spherical fruits, medium and large with few seeds and top quality.
"Grossman has great content fruit flavor What Is Black Sapote medium round high of pasta and some seeds, and is capable of producing up to 450 kg per tree.

"Maher was very large What Is Black Sapote, flattened fruit of good to very good quality with few seeds.'s Especially known among cultivates from a small tree is still prolific (up to 4 meters).
"Origin Late Ricks in NSW Australia heavy What Is Black Sapote final harvests and produces excellent quality.
'Excellent' is a selection of North Queensland to bring large quantities of excellent quality, small fruits that can be completely seeded, if pollination What Is Black Sapote.
"Cocktail" is described as having an excellent flavor
Meridian "(also" Renee "or" Eminence ") is the name of the original seed. Produces 70 kg or more of small very soft to medium-sized fruit What Is Black Sapote, very good quality with 5-10 seeds, from 6 -8 weeks before other varieties (November in Florida).

The range of tree size and hairiness of leaf size, shape, decay, color of the meat and the sweetness of the fruit, and fruiting time suggest that there is considerable genetic variability. Selections are made and spread in What Is Black Sapote the Philippines, Australia and Florida, USA.

Propagation is usually from seeds, which can remain viable for several months and will require about 30 days to germinate. Some trees have seeds, however, and can be propagated by layering or grafting What Is Black Sapote gusset.
Black capote fruits like tomato and measure 5-10 cm (2.0 to 3.9 inches) in diameter, with an inedible skin that turns from green olive maturity and deep yellow pulp is white and not edible when ripe, but is a flavor, color and texture often compared to maturity chocolate pudding. Generally fruits contain seeds, to 12.The texture was compared with that of a papaya.
Green fruits are astringent, caustic What Is Black Sapote, bitter and irritating. Have been used as a fish poison in the Philippines and Columbian Esoteric.

Mature trees can reach more than 25 m (82 ft) high and are persistent. It is sensitive to cold, but can tolerate light frosts. The leaves are oblong-elliptical, which tapers at both ends, dark green, glossy and 10 to 30 cm What Is Black Sapote (3,9 to 12 inches) long. Some trees have only male flowers. Others have male and female flowers, although some of them are self-incompatible. Fruiting takes about 3-4 years from seed and trees are bearing heavy.

Disperse Cigna, black capote, is a species of What Is Black Sapote persimmon that is native to eastern Mexico and Central America south of Colombia. Other names include milk chocolate with fruit, chocolate and khaki (Spanish) Capote Pareto.