lundi 19 août 2013

What Is Sambucus canadensis

What Is Sambucus canadensis Uses of the fruit is medication, [citation needed] wine, jam and dye. Interior leaves and bark may be used as an insecticide and a colorant. Stems can be dug up and used picks, musical instruments and toys What Is Sambucus canadensis.
The leaves , stems, roots and ripe fruits of S. anadems are toxic due to the presence of canoe glycosides and alkaloids.

Elderberries research conducted at the University of the Southwest Center in Mount Vernon Missouri Fruit Experiment Station  of the State of Missouri in Mountain Grove.
It is closely linked to the European What Is Sambucus canadensis Abacus Nigeria, and some authors treat as congener [citation needed], under the name of Abacus Nigeria subs. anadems.

It is a deciduous shrub seedlings over 3 m in height or more. The leaves are arranged in opposite, pinnate with five to nine leaflets, brochures about 10 cm long and 5 cm wide pairs. In summer it has large umbels (20-30 cm in diameter What Is Sambucus canadensis) white flowers above the foliage, the individual flowers 5-6 mm diameter, with five petals.
The fruit is a purple berry 3-5 mm in diameter, dark black, produced in hanging clusters in the fall. Berries and flowers are edible What Is Sambucus canadensis, but other parts of the plant are poisonous, containing calcium oxalate crystals toxic.