lundi 19 août 2013

What Is African mango

What Is African mango The tree is present in the tropical wet and dry climate. Dike grows naturally in the canopy of the forest, gallery forests and semi-deciduous forests. It grows at altitudes between 200 and 500 m, with an annual rainfall of 1200-1500 mm. The temperature ranges from 20 ° to 38 ° C under shade bright, clear sky. Deep soils with more than 150 cm are invited fertility and good drainage What Is African mango to moderate. pH can range from 4.5 to 7.5.

Irving grows straight up to a height of 40 m and 1 m in diameter. He standing at a height of 3 m. The flaky outer bark is smooth gray to yellowish gray. The crown is persistent, spherical and dense What Is African mango. The leaves are elliptic, margin is often a little more rounded than the other, acuminate, dark green and shiny on the rise. The flowers are yellow-green to white in small panicles. The flowers are bisexual. The fruit is nearly spherical What Is African mango, green when ripe, bright orange pulp. The stone is wooded and contains a single seed. Germinating seedlings.

Humans can eat fresh fruits, hence the name African may refer to dike. The fruits are processed into jelly, jam, fruit juice and even wine. The paste was also used to prepare a black dye for coloring fabric. Compared with the seed of the fruit is only a small resort.
The seed coat of the fruit should be slightly open to reach the seed. Seeds, also called Dike nuts are eaten raw or roasted. What Is African mango A little, but it was crushed in a block like butter or chocolate. The seeds can be pressed to produce an edible oil What Is African mango (solid at room temperature) or margarine, which are used for cooking. The oil may also be processed as a result of soap, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. The cake can be used as animal feed or as a thickener for soups. The seeds can be ground or crushed and used as a thickener and flavoring agent in soups and be caused by mucilaginous polysaccharides What Is African mango, which become more viscous when cooked and is called "sacrifice What Is African mango" stews.This thickening food products is considered [ by who?]. You can also make a cake called "dike bread" for conservation. Several medicinal uses depend mainly on the bark and leaves. It is used as a purgative, for gastrointestinal and liver diseases, hernia and urethral discharge or sores and wounds.
The wood is very hard and therefore most often used for heavy construction that make the decks of ships or railway sleepers. Dead branches are used as firewood What Is African mango.
The trees used in agro forestry systems in the shadow of other cultures, especially cocoa and What Is African mango coffee.

What Is African mango They are also used to reduce erosion. The cities began to use the streets of the shadows, as windbreaks or embellishment.
Thousands of tons of Dike seeds are negotiated annually. This happens mostly in Africa, but exports began in the United States What Is African mango. As dike income producing commercial cultivation.