mardi 20 août 2013

What Is American plum

Prunus americana, commonly known as the What Is American plum, wild plum or prune large sweet yellow Marshall, is a species of Prunus native to northern Saskatchewan to New Mexico, United States is in New Hampshire and Florida. It is often planted outside its range of heart and sometimes escapes from cultivation. It is commonly confused with Canada plum (Prunus nigra), even if the fruit is small and round and bright red instead of yellow. Many varieties have been derived from this species. It is an excellent action in which domestic plum graft.

What Is American plum is used for both decorative and culinary. White flowers in spring are decorative and short, single leader makes it a popular residential landscape tree. Sargent said of him: "As ornamental P. americana has real value, long baguette branches similar to a large and elegant head is beautiful in the winter and spring it is covered with masses of white flowers followed by large glossy leaves and abundant showy fruits. "Over 200 forms of What Is American plums were grown in culture. Sour and sweet fruit is eaten fresh and as jams, jellies, jams and wines.

What Is American plum Farms use the medium of large shrubs or trees or planting windbreaks and riparian road. High density growth effectively reduces the wind speed near the ground. Development releases the What Is American plum root system allows effective to stabilize banks and ravines What Is American plum. Tolerate several days of flooding. Some merchants of planting trees along the access road.
Many birds and animals eat the fruit, and two white-tailed deer and mule deer feed on branches and leaves.
Traditionally, What Is American plum has been widely used by Native Americans. The Cheyenne used branches ate plums and sun dance What Is American plum. The Navajo used the roots to make a red dye.

What Is American plum grows as a large shrub or small tree up to 15 feet (4.6 m). Fits coarse textured soils and medium texture, but not for fine soils. The plant is winter hardy, but has little tolerance to shade, drought or fire. Its growth is most active in spring and summer, and blooms in mid-spring. It spreads by seed, but the seed propagation rate is slow.
The roots are shallow, widespread What Is American plum, and send suckers. Many stems per plant becomes scaly with age. The tree has a large crown. [Citation needed] The branches are thorny. The sheets are arranged alternately, with an oval shape. The blade length is generally 2-4 (5.1-10 cm) long. The upper surface of the blade is dark green and the bottom is soft, pale. Small white flowers with five petals are solitary or in clusters in the axils of the leaves. Globular fruits are approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter What Is American plum.