mardi 20 août 2013

What Is American Red Elderberry

What Is American Red Elderberry This often adolescent shrub grows 2-6 feet tall. The stems are smooth with medullar center. Each individual is composed of 5-7 leaflets shaped leaves, each of which represents a maximum of 16 inches long What Is American Red Elderberry, lancelet to narrow ovate and irregularly toothed on the edges. The leaflets have a strong odor when crushed. The inflorescence is a panicle cone shaped tops loosely various flowers in bloom from the end of the stem branches. The flower buds are pink when closed, and open flowers are white, cream or yellow. Each flower has petals small, reflexes and a pin with five-pointed star-shaped white stamens yellow anthers. The fragrant flowers are visited by hummingbirds and butterflies. The fruit is a drupe bright red or purple sometimes contains 3-5 seeds What Is American Red Elderberry.

Many parts of this plant are toxic What Is American Red Elderberry, and have been used as a conventional emetic. Fruits would be to eat when cooked, and have been savored by the Gaits in a variety of recipes.
The fruits are very What Is American Red Elderberry popular with birds, which spread the seeds.
It is native to Europe, temperate Asia, and northern and central North America. It grows in riparian areas, forests and other habitats, usually in moist areas